Monday, 10 September 2007

My Privilege

I've been meaning to write for such a long time...and it's not as if nothing much has happened...although that wouldn't be unexpected around here; but if I do say so myself I do have something of a knack for having interesting things happen to and around me in the dreariest of times and places...
e.g. a couple of weeks ago I rather impulsively caved in and panic purchased what is certainly the second last multi-system VCR in Hooterville...possibly the entire world...(they ain't makin' em like that anymore!)...a beautiful Samsung machine which does standards conversion on the fly...anyway, the first thing I dubbed to NTSC VHS and then to DVD was an 8mm off air recording I made almost twenty years ago of an incredible film by an amazing director; I shant say more as it is hoped that this masterpiece may at last be released on DVD within a few months time...
I gave a copy to my friend Josh who promptly e-mailed me a link to the director's website; wherein I read that even the director himself had been unable to obtain a copy from the distributor!
I wrote to this director; as it later transpired so did my friend Josh. I offered to send this gentleman a copy/copies in whatever standard he preferred and received the kindest and most gracious reply...he's a major, though not mainstream, director; one of THE GREATS...took time to write me a nice reply...whereas local media "big shots" can't even return a call or even mouse click to acknowledge receipt of an e-mail. Real class shines through.

1 comment:

James Baker said...

Is this movie a sci-fi classic from 1982, that you urged me to see that same year?